How City Officials Are Turning Corona, Queens Into a Legal and Social Disaster and a Dumping Ground.
To read this blog in chronological order, scroll all the way to the end.
Any comments and corrections are welcomed to keep this blog honest and correct.
Department of Parks and Recreation
KATHRYN SPOTA - Inspector General
How Hinton Park’s Lawlessness & Reckless Behavior by Adult Sports Teams supported by Council member Moya And The NYC Parks Department Is Devaluing Our Homes and Has Been Endangering 2,000 Residents since 2019.
Hinton Park
The Park That Never Sleeps
and the Rules are
"NO" Rules - 24 hours a day.
Directly Affected are about 800 apartments and 2,000 residents
10.8 2024, the Day After the late night party at 7am in the morning,
Please Cynthia Thompson do the community a favor asap.
This logo is inspired and dedicated to the Parks & Recreation Department, Council Member Moya and the 115th Police precinct for their continues lip-service.
How City Officials Are Turning Corona, Queens Into a Legal and Social Disaster.
For 3 years I have been documenting Hinton Park, and here are my findings.
After the meeting on 9.16.24 with Parks officials included Cynthia Thompson and a Police officer from 115th precinct. Thompson was told by the Chief of Operation to look into the problems by the Adult Sports Teams. She didn't follow a direct order.
Here is what's happening week-end after week-end year after year since 2020 when it was documented by Councilmember Moya for the first time. Every week the Parks and Traffic rules are violated and the sports teams should receive summonses every week-end.
Make that city some money so you can hire staff to protect us. I didn't go to Harvard or Yale and I can figure this out. By now those teams should have received hundreds of summonses, but yet there are not enough summonses on record to remove the Permits from all those Adult sports teams violating parks and traffic laws year after year after year. LOST MONEY IN THE CITY BUDGET.
Below is a summary of what happens when the Parks department gets together at a meeting and talks AT each other about stuff and the things they are going to do to make it better. While I was listening to those folks I could hear that the bureaucracy was so think I could have cut it with a knife. It was no news flash to see how self destructive the parks department is operating, because we experience it day after day and year after year.
Here is the outcome when people talk stuff at meetings when it is quite noticeable in the tone of their voices that there is no real intention to fix anything. Parks favorite, ITS BAND AID TIME. We can already see it by Thompson failing to comply with a direct order.
These violations below happened 3 weeks after the meeting when Thompson was told to fix it... this is what Thompson's fixing looks like... ?
More Promises made by the Parks and Police Officials on 9.16.2024.
My consistent reporting was recognized by the Queens Chronicle newspaper and let to a meeting with Parks and Police officials on September 16th, 2024, see attendees list below.
- Garbage still piling up at the Playground entrance, exposing the children and attracting Rodents, thank you Parks department for welcoming our children with a pile of garbage.
- All Play Courts are not locked, open 24/7
- about 100 Youth and Children with no parents or supervision by the Parks Department 10.2.24 at 6:40pm
- Dogs drinking from Water fountain at Playground, no supervision, thank you Parks Department for exposing our children to this unsafe and unhealthy condition.
No Oversight, No to little Enforcement As Of Yet Addressing the Violations. To assign staff during no crime hours to monitor the park is another joke by the Parks & Police department.
thank you Queens Chronicle and Michael Gannon for your community support.
Here is an example how Government Officials and agencies are strategically creating a GHETTO in Corona, Queens in a low income and minority neighborhood and are running an entire community into the grounds. Those officials take away the necessary funding for operation, make repeatedly promises they don't keep and provide lip-service to make this problem go away.
By putting Band Aids on the problems and tell the community "WE ARE ON IT", didn't resolve the root problem and the reckless and lawlessness behavior at the Park has been increasing year after year.
The documented lip service history by the officials and council member Moya goes back to 2020, when Council Member Moya called the first photo op meeting at Hinton Park with Parks & Police officials, and with selected residents with little or no community leadership experience. They made promises they didn't keep, because they assign the resources to other Parks, leaving Hinton Park with no funds to operate Hinton Park according to the laws.
Since 2020, the officials are also fully aware of the abuse, the lawlessness and reckless behavior by the sports teams who are lowering our standard of living & real estate property, and are in non compliance with the parks and traffic rules and regulations and are the reason why families at Dorie Miller are moving out, because they don't want their children to be exposed to the unsafe conditions at Hinton Park.
When stripping all the operation funds, the officials really have no choice but to ignore the communities call for action and give them run arounds and lip-service, because that was the officials intentional decision making.
When Park's staff working at the park are addressing the issues to their supervisors, they reported to me that they can not get an answer from their supervisors why they don't act on the problems they all know about.
We know that all the officials in charge of Hinton Park, including the Commissioner Susan Donoghue, are all fully aware of the mismanagement and disruptions by the sports teams at Hinton Park, but they decided to strip the funds and continue to abuse its powers to run our neighborhood into the ground.
The officials are intentionally rejecting the community's call for action to resolve the root problems to protect the residents and therefore are failing to provide a safe environment to the hundreds of children's at Louis Armstrong School, Playground and Pre K across the street.
Why do the officials continue to strip Hinton Park from the funds needed for operation and to protect the community according to the government laws???
Why is the Parks department violating their own rules and regulation, even when their own staff are asking their supervisors WHY don't you want to fix the problems???
What is their motivation??? I know, do you???
Will those questions ever be answered honestly and respectfully by the Hinton Park supervisors, directors and the PARKS commissioner Susan Donoghue???
Nobody I talked to from the Parks department takes responsibility and nobody is in charge at the Park to do anything else than the one thing they are told to do by their supervisors, which doesn't include the safety of the residents.
The standard answers by Parks staff to my questions are:
1) I don't know
2) I am only doing my job
3) They (supervisors) don't tell us anything
4) I don't know anything
5) I am aware of all the problems at Hinton Park but they don't do anything, they don't care.
6) There is nothing I can do.
7) call 311 and make a complaint.
8) If I want information, file for freedom of information act.
Those statements are a red flag and a classic run-a-round lip-service by the officials and signs that the Hinton Park problems are deeply rooted within the Parks department.
The agencies are very good in cutting our resources and move it to other Parks such as Flushing Park, US Open, Mets Stadium and Open Air Concerts, where the rich and famous hang out and the Parks department wants to impress and shine. Every year before the US Open starts, the Parks department is busy making everything look pretty around the US Open stadium's, with many many Parks employees around all day. When it comes to staffing Hinton Park to protect about 2000 residents, they have nobody to assign during the crime hours.
As a result when community leaders from low income families and minority communities reach out to Parks and Political officials, they can only provide the community with lip-service and disrespect. They lie in our faces with a big smile, gaslighting the community hoping that the abuse by the Parks department can be swiped under the rug and THOSE people like me will go away.
Moya fails years after year to live up to his promises, here is one of the official document he posted on his Facebook page. For those who don't know, Moya is the council member for this district, and yes it gets better, Moya also serves on the Parks & Recreation committee. This man is a risk to our community and needs to resign immediately.
When reading Moya's post, it makes me laugh, because what "THOSE" people do best is compliment each other at those kind of meetings and they flatter themselves about what a great job they are all doing, while the community is sitting there getting screwed day after day, pardon my language, listening to the lip-service and empty promises from the people we pay our tax dollars for to protect us. What an insult those people are and what a disgrace to the human race.
When I went to Moya's office, Ms. Jones from Moya's office was giving me nothing but run-a-rounds and lip-service, it was so obvious, I guess she was new on the job or was well taught how to block community members who speak up. Those people don't like people speaking the truth and stand up for it.
When I asked Jones to be included in the meetings she was calling, her excuse was, I just met you Wolfgang.... What an insult. Did she ever hear of researching and google somebody? and and and and... wasn't I the reason she called this meeting in the first place???
As a result, this once vibrant community is run into the grounds by those who are suppose to protect us and the good residents are moving out at Dorie Miller Housing co-op. They are fed up to be disrespected and with this abuse of power from Moya and Parks department and are willing to take a loss in selling their apartment. Great job Moya, I am sure your Soccer billionaire friends treat you better than you treat us.
Since we are talking about a low income and disenfranchised community here in Corona, people don't know how to speak up to protect themselves from the abuse of power by those agencies. Our officials are using our tax money to give to the rich so they have full protection at the events in the Parks, they are taking advantage of this vulnerable community by taking away our funds to protect us and they are abusing their powers for whatever they want to do, no matter if they violate laws or their own Rules and Regulations.
Here is what they do.
They push out the local sports teams and replace them with out of town softball teams acting reckless and lawless and are violating every Parks Rule and traffic violations on the books for years.
The Parks department doesn't give new sports teams an equal opportunity for afternoon permits for the Fall season. Because those softball teams have cops on their teams they get "Special Treatment" and "Special Rules" which the media covered and is well documented.
Maybe if the Community had some Cops on their Team, this issue would have been resolved?
After the Softball teams got summoned one time, according to Cynthia Thomas from the New York City Parks Enforcement department, the Softball teams continue to act lawless and reckless and it got actually worse the weekend after they got summoned. That was the response by the Softball teams for getting summoned. .
Hinton Park problems is only a drop in the bucket when looking at the BIG PICTURE. Next on the list is Councilmember Moya putting 2 Homeless shelters across the street from Dorie Miller Housing to add more fuel to the fire. There is a third Homeless shelter only 4 blocks away.
Next are the Homeless moving in, to insure that creating the GHETTO is on the right track, because the Homeless go well together with the Homeless shelters, to guarantee future disturbances of the residents. Its all part of the parks play-book.
The Parks department lives for those images.
double parking is a natural result when the Parks department books out of town teams and the 115th Police precinct doesn't do its job to enforce traffic violations. As a result, Emergency vehicles have no access and locals have a hard time finding parking, especially with the US Open and Mets playing at the same time, who also take away our parking.
Cop quote watching a softball game: "We can get through the double parking with our cop car. If Emergency vehicles can't get through, they will get there from the other side. As long as the teams have a good time.".
They sure do, but at what cost ??? With that said and the many other lies those cops told me, it comes to no surprise that we are on the way to be a FULL BLOWN GHETTO.
Dividing the community.
tolerating the blocking of the sidewalks with players, fans, tents and vendors, is keeping the locals away to enjoy the park at prime hours. Can anybody see any Parks Enforcement here, Ms. Thompson and Moya, you PROMISED???
Why should they waste their time on us.
the littering by the lawless and reckless Teams is a natural progression, when giving Park permits to irresponsible and ignorant teams from out of town with no moral standards. Their selfish interest is to run our neighborhood into the grounds so they can have some fun at our expense, with the support of councilmember Moya, the 115th police precinct and the Parks department.
At Mets games, US Open and Concerts at Flushing Park, many cops & Parks staff are at the site, so plenty of cops and staff are around there, BUT just NOT at Hinton Park.
Here is another classic example on how the 115th precinct is operating, and how they contribute to GHETTO conditions.
I spoke to those wonderful cops on the horses and they are SO nice. They didn't know why they were assigned to check on the Hinton Park, because in the mornings, nothing is really going on, except the Rats looking for breakfast.
The assignment of the police officers is nothing but a set up and butting a band aid on the problem, so the officials can say, but we sent cops over there, its a classic joke to fool the community.
How the local officials strategically run the Hinton Park neighborhood into the grounds...
So, at the end of the day, it's not the lack of Parks staff, its taking away the financial resources from Hinton Park... its the lack of assigning Police officers to Hinton Park at the time when the crimes take place and not about assigning 5 Police officers to hand out back packs in the afternoon during School Break or assign Police officers in the morning on horses, who don't understand why they were assigned to Hinton Park at this time.
Classic set up.
dogs running wild, lets just ignore the Dog Walk area.
How about you all drink from the water fountain after the Dog was drinking from it.
next is the garbage collection by the Parks department. What garbage collection??? The garbage is in front of the Playground 24/7 to guarantee that the community and children are reminded every day that your neighborhood is going down the hill and you all better get used to it.
next we have the vendors popping up
Who are the people responsible for this abuse of power. They are a liability and they all should resign for failing to protect an entire neighborhood and for putting us all at risk. You are all lowering our property value and standard of living and residents are in fear walking the park at certain hours.
- 115th Police Precinct, Deputy Inspector Eileen T. Downing
- Parks Department, Commissioner Sue Donoghue
- Councilmember Moya, serves on the Parks committee
For more than 4 years now an entire neighborhood living around and near Hinton Park gets nothing but empty promises and lip-service and when they tell us we did this and they are doing that to make it better, has no or little effect, because year after year it gets worse, according to Parks- Sanitation and Police staff and we the people have to put up with it, because our call for action to fix the root of the problems has been ignored and dismissed.
Community voices are getting louder for Council Member Moya to resign and to hold somebody at the Parks department accountable for the ongoing failure to protect an entire neighborhood.
Hinton Park, Corona Queens
The Park That Never Sleeps
and where the Rules are
"NO" Rules 24 hours a day.
For more than 4 years, councilmember Moya who serves also on the Parks & Recreations committee ironically enough, is providing nothing but lip-service to the community. For many years he is failing to protect the residents from the lawless and reckless sports teams coming to our community, even after members from the community reach out to him year after year.
Moya is using the community for photo ops on his facebook page acknowledging the problems at Hinton Park in 2020 and 2021. He invites the Parks & Police department, with little to no results and year after year the Hinton Park problems are getting worse according to Parks & Sanitation employees, locals and cops.
Moya is selling out the community and is turning our neighborhood into a ghetto. First the Parks problems, than he puts two Homeless shelters across the street from Dorie Miller Housing, than 5 Citibike station within a 3 block radius changing our landscape without consulting the community, leaving us with too much garbage on 113th and 114th street between 37 and 34 Avenue. Our cars parked on the streets are damaged on a regular basis costing us hundreds of dollars. As a result, we had a gunpoint robbery 20 feet from where I live and the Deli on 111th street and Queens Blvd. was robbed. Homeless are hanging out on our benches now, because the homeless population is so large now they branch out to Dorie Miller private property. Naturally the property value is about 35% to 45% below market value. The shareholders are so fed up that they have been moving out in droves at Dorie Miller.
As a result of Mr. Moya's awareness and intentional doings regarding this matter, our co-op property is not only below market value, so is our standard of living and safety.
Thank you Mr. Moya, your incompetence costs us hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions when adding up 300 apartments at Dorie Miller. If you can not fix this problem after 4 years now, step aside and let somebody take over your job who actually cares about "THE PEOPLE" and can care less about your billionaire friends taking over the area.
Not to mention the soccer stadium nobody wants, you never came to Dorie Miller to ask us how we feel about the soccer stadium, and we are the community affected most by it. Moya did quite the opposite, at a Dorie Miller Zoom meeting with your representative Ms. Jones, didn't allow us to ask questions regarding the soccer stadium.
That says it all Moya, step aside PLEASE!
No rules, no regulations, no park supervision, no policing, no MOYA... anything goes at Hinton Park.
Hinton Park is Open for Business 24/7/365
Much thanks to Mrs. Thomas from the Parks Department for providing a playground and haven for the lawless and the reckless. This unregulated playground operates around the clock, offering a sanctuary for chaos and disorder and safety is a mere afterthought.
From late-night noise complaints to amplified blasting music, alcohol consumption and urination at the Louis Armstrong School and playground entrance, double parking, fans blocking the sidewalks, BBQs open fires, venders, tents, propane and compressors, littering, dogs on no leash, growing homeless population, it all happens here at Hinton Park, where the unconventional thrives.
When I look at this sign, I have to laugh and I think, what a joke. By putting up this sign, the Parks department is only kidding, because nobody here goes by their rules at Hinton Park. What a joke.
At Hinton Park is where anything goes, whether you're looking to host an unsanctioned event, enjoy some midnight merriment, join the sex party on the Handball or Softball court in front of the School classrooms, let your dogs run wild and let them drink from the water fountains or simply bask in the unregulated ambiance, this park welcomes all.
Forget safety and community well-being - Hinton Park celebrates anarchy the only rule is that there are no rules. So come on down, and experience Hinton Park: where the wild things play and the concept of order is just a distant memory.
Residents are fed up. Councilmember Moya’s failure to address these issues makes him a liability. It’s time for change. It’s time for him to resign. Go away Moya, go hang with your billionaire friends, ooops, you are doing that already, because we don't see you here at the park or at Dorie Miller anymore.
Parks department encourages FREE Sex parties
cum and join the party.
Right next to the Louis Armstrong School and classrooms, increased publicity and exhibition is strongly encouraged by the officials.
7.20.24 at 11:45 pm activities.
- Prohibition on Glass
Glass bottles or other glass containers are prohibited in parks. The Commissioner may, in his discretion, designate certain parks, or portions thereof, as areas wherein glass bottles or other glass containers will be permitted. Failure to comply with such prohibition on glass bottles or containers shall constitute a violation of these rules. This subdivision (d) shall not apply to glass bottles or containers used in the care and feeding of infant children.
Littering, Dumping,
- No person shall litter in any park. All persons shall use receptacles provided for the disposal of refuse. No person shall deposit household or commercial refuse in any park receptacle.
- No person shall throw, drop, allow to fall, discharge into or leave in, or otherwise introduce into Parks waters any substance, liquid or solid, gas, or other item which may or will result in the pollution of said waters. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
- No person shall engage in unlawful dumping in any park. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
- No person shall, within or adjacent to any park, store or leave unattended personal belongings.
Open Door Policy at Louis Armstrong School, managed by Parks Department after 2pm.
7.25.24 at 9am
outside the Louis Armstrong School entrance on 113 street.
- Reserved
- Failure to Control Animals
- Except as specified in § 1-05(s)(3) or in paragraph three of this subdivision, no person owning, possessing or controlling any animal shall cause or allow such animal to be unleashed or unrestrained in any park unless permitted by the Commissioner or authorized by law. No person owning, possessing or controlling any animal shall cause or allow such animal to be out of control in any park under any circumstances. Animals that are out of control may be seized and impounded. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
- No person shall allow any dog in his custody or control to discharge any fecal matter in any park unless he promptly removes and disposes of same.
The 2024 Softball Season Is Back at Hinton Park
And so are now more PROBLEMS with Softball teams, Volleyball Teams, Soccer Teams, Handball Teams and also the Homeless, because of years of ignoring the issues and providing lip-service to the community for more than 4 years now!
The Hinton Park area has become the Dumping Ground and new Ghetto of Queens County under Councilman Moya, and together with the115th Precinct and Parks Commissioner Susan Donoghue.
The message, we, the community gets from the Parks & Police department and Councilmember Moya is very clear:
We don't give a damn about you, your community and your safety. We don't care if your property value is going down and Black families move out in droves.
We don't care if your standard of living goes down.
The quote from the cop below explains it all.
Quote from a115th Precinct Cop watching a Softball game at Hinton Park; quote: "as long as they have a good time."
Welcome to my Hinton Park Blog, I started 2 years ago.
4 in a room, hostal style.
- Urination and Defecation in Parks
No person shall urinate or defecate in any Park, or in or upon any park building, monument or structure, except in a facility which is specifically designed for such purpose.
Urine Smell: Urine smell persists all around the park for days/weeks, including in front of the PS 143 Louis Armstrong School entrance on 113th street, and the Children's Playground next to the Handball fields & Pre School.
No Rules, No Accountability, and No Worries people, Councilmember Moya got you covered:
The message from the officials is clear! There are no rules and no accountability at Hinton Park since 2020.
When looking at the Parks "Rules Prohibit", all of them are violated almost daily.
What is the point of butting up this sign, if not enforced, what a joke that is.
Alcohol consumption at Hinton Park at all time high in 2024.
Louis Armstrong School
- No person shall engage in any form of gambling or game of chance for money.
For more than 4 years, representatives from the Commissioner's office of the Parks Department continue to give lip-service to the community and continues to support the abuse of adult Softball Teams.
The rights to protect an entire neighborhood living around Hinton Park, including Parks and Traffic violations are being ignored by the Parks & the 115th Precinct Police Department and reaching out to the POLITICAL REPRESENTATIVES like Moya and Monserate has proven to be absolutely useless and time wasting.
The so called community leaders and representatives who are suppose to protect the residents are in fact in support of the abuse and don't care about an entire neighborhood. If you guys don't fix it, you are supporting it, right ???
I get it, I am the BAD guy here. I know, I get it!
I understand, telling the truth and expose the bad guys is a terrible thing and is not welcomed here.
The purpose for this HINTON PARK VIOLATION blog, which is updated on a regular basis, is to document and bring attention to local politicians and government agencies who are failing to protect the residents living around Hinton Park in Corona, NY, from the abuse and many violations by the adult Baseball Teams since 2020, when it was first reported on Facebook by councilmember Moya, see below.
The community wants to know, "When is enough enough" lip-service for years. When have the residents the right to express their true feelings and don't have to be no longer nice to those people who disrespect us, lie into our faces and fail to protect our community year after year by giving park permits to sports Teams disturbing our peace and safety and frankly don't give a damn about the residents.
It is remarkable how incompetent Councilmember Moya, the Police and Parks Department together with the very selective community leaders are. The lip-service to the community by those public officials is remarkable and when looking at the Dorie Miller Housing board of directors representatives in attendance, they all make a good team. Together they absolutely accomplishing nothing, other than lip-service and photo opportunities, while those Baseball Teams continue to violate Parks and Traffic violations. Since this meeting in 2021 and the post on Facebook, the violations increased. Can you even imagine that?
Thank you Dorie Miller Board of Directors for failing to protect us from the Hinton Park abuse, maybe its time for you all to focus why so many Dorie Miller shareholders are moving out in droves, but as DM history shows, you all don't know how to do this either.
When is Enough Enough Parks Department?
Since 2020 our finding is that Council Member Moya and his associates at the Parks & Police department are running this Corona neighborhood of low income families into the grounds. Why doesn't Moya, the Police & Parks department enforce the law and why are the Black families moving out in droves? Are those two connected?
Locals are avoiding walking around the park when those Baseball Teams are taking over the park and sidewalks. A resident reported that she was harassed when she was walking her dog.
The Dorie Miller Coop property value is half below market price and residents want to know why the government agencies refuse to enforce the law for more than four years now.
"Somebody must have a real squeeze on those agencies and Moya. WHO IS IT? Is it possible, because there are cops on those Baseball teams? Somebody with a whistle was blowing me a message in the wind. I saw two cops watching a game while they double parked their 115th precinct police car on 114th street with the lights flashing, failing to address the blasting music and the double parking on 113th street.
It is ironic Mr. Moya that you are serving on the Parks and Recreation committee and you can do nothing and your community liaison Ms. Jones who just received an award, ha ha, is giving us nothing but lip-service in person and empty promises at a Dorie Miller Open Board zoom meeting? May I recommend to you Mr. Moya to resin from the committee and make room for people that actually care for the people and also stop promoting a soccer stadium nobody wants. Clearly you don't want to come to Dorie Miller and ask the shareholders how we feel about all of this? Ms. Jones wouldn't even take questions regarding the soccer stadium, a true testament how money rules.
Your time to fix this problem has long expired Mr. Moya and thank you Lord that this is your last year in office. You are part of the Hinton Park problem in our community and not only regarding Hinton Park, but that's another conversation all together.
The cop issue would certainly be an explanation, why those out of town Baseball teams are getting very very special treatment, but at what cost.
Are those Baseball Teams above the law? it would explain that they get away with multiple Parks and Traffic violations, alcohol consumption and public urination 6 days a week? Where is the Parks Department Enforcement Team? Do they even exist? Wait a minute, if those people are drinking, are they drinking and driving? I saw one guy doing exactly that. Drinking a beer, getting into his car and drove away.
The community has the right to know, why Baseball teams can blast music, double park, block the sidewalks and block access to emergency Fire trucks entering on 113 street, consume alcohol and are urinating in bushes, at the School entrance next to a Playground and they urinate next to parked cars. The smell of urine is so strong where residents have to cross the street and the school used incense to overcome the smell. Way to go Mr. Moya. Maybe you want to invite those Teams to your neighborhood since you love them so much. Get to know what it is like walking on the sidewalk with the smell of urine and the music blasting from 5pm until 10pm.
Let me remind you all, this park is across the street of a School, Playground and Pre-K, a homeless shelter hotel, low income housing unit, a rental and coop buildings. It affects hundreds of families, children, young adults and many seniors
WELL, MS. THOMPSON FROM THE PARKS DEPARTMENT COULDN'T OR WOULDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION ON THE PHONE. Her reply was I understand your frustration. REALLY? Its funny, that phrase "I understand your frustration" is really an insult, because if she/they understand the problem and still don't fix it, WHAT does it tell us about those people? Let's see what Ms. Thompson has to report the next time, I am really looking forward to it.
If anybody reading this blog feels offended by it or feels I am being to tough in expressing myself, I gladly invite you to my home during Baseball season next year should those Baseball teams return. Hear and see it first hand, you all have an open invitation. May I suggest to take the subway, because our parked cars are damaged on a regular basis now.
empty bottle at the Louis Armstrong school entrance, 10.1.2023 at 5:40pm with a very strong urine smell.
On October 1, 2023, at approximately 5:45 PM, I encountered an individual urinating in front of the Louis Armstrong school adjacent to a parked car. This incident is just one of many instances that highlight the escalating problems in our community related to the baseball teams that frequent the park.
Update 10.1.2023 at about 5:45pm
again, after the response from the Parks department office by Ms. Kuti, see below. It is getting worse. No changes, more lip-service, more disrespect, city agencies who are getting paid to protect the residents are miserably failing for more than three years now. We are charged higher property taxes and we receive less service, we need to talk Mr. Moya. It's not just the park issue you are failing about sir, putting two Homeless shelters across the street of Dorie Miller and a robbery at gunpoint 20 feet from my apartment is a testament of how you fail to protect the residents in your district.
113th street, view from 37 avenue at about 5:30pm on 10.1.2023. Blocking the sidewalk. Its no surprise that the locals are avoiding walking around the park.front right, those people at the table belong to the Volleyball teams who play right next to the music and are also affected by it.
113 street from 34 avenue view about 5:30pm on 10.1.2023. Blocking the sidewalk.
Videos from 10.1.2023
this video shows the amplified music and how it affects the handball teams at the Louis Armstrong School.
the audio is not very clear but music can be heard in the background, and clearly this was taken after 6:46, because it is fully dark. I guess the police needs to do some explanation.
Update 9.30.2023 at 5:30pm
after the response from the Parks department office by Ms. Kuti, see her response below.
double parking on both sides
| Thu, Sep 21, 4:38 PM (13 hours ago) |
Dear Mr. Wolfgang Busch,
Thank you for message regarding the numerous issues with baseball teams at Hinton Park.
The Parks Enforcement Patrol Officers (PEP) has issued summons at Hinton Park and will continue to patrol the area
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to write and let us know of this situation. Your concern for NYC Parks is appreciated.
Tesha Kuti
Correspondence Liaison
T (212) 360-2778
NYC Parks
Arsenal North
Police at
Update 9.16.23 at 6:30pm
Police car 115 Precinct with 3851 number plate.
Two officers standing at the
I asked the officers if they hear the music blasting, they said, what music blasting, the music that you can hear from the park. I asked them, do they have a sound permit, the officer said, they have an official empire, I am sure they have a sound permit, plus it is the parks department issues not ours, plus nobody made any complaints and I have been working at the police precinct for years. I said that is not true, residents have made many complaints but with no results. How is it the Parks department responsibility when calling 311 they forward the sound complaint to 115th precinct? Even though the music could be heard in my apartment, they ask me if it bothers me and I said yes and many residents. I can hear it in my apartment. Police said, they can play the music as loud as they want its Saturday early afternoon (6:30pm) and if the music at 9 or 10pm was loud like this, they would say something, unless it has 120 decibel. The Officer measured the decibel (db) and it was 85 at the time. The music was off at that moment, only teams screaming, because they noticed that I was making a complaint.
From the Official Website of the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation
Section 10-108 of the Administrative Code, in Relation to Use of Sound Devices, provides as follows:
PD 656-041A (Rev. 09-07)
Use of amplified sound is not permitted under a sports permit. To use amplified sound, applicants must obtain a Parks Special Events Permit, as well as a sound permit from the local police precinct.
§1-05 Regulated Uses
No person shall make, or cause or allow to be made, unreasonable noise in any park so as to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or harm. Unreasonable noise means any excessive or unusually loud sound that disturbs the peace, comfort or repose of a reasonable person of normal sensitivity or injures or endangers the health or safety of a reasonable person of normal sensitivity, or which causes injury to plant or animal life, or damage to property or business.
this is the music blasting on 113 street and 37 avenue
In regards of the double
parking one officer says its not blocking emergency vehicles, because we, the
police car, we drove by the double parked cars twice without a problem. When I
asked the officers what if a Fire truck has to get to the Apartment building,
the police said, in that case they will come down from
With other words, the police made a statement that about
6 cars double parking on 113 th street was not a violation and they took no action.
When I mentioned about the
urination across the street and that our coop is below market price, they
wished me a good day and left.
At no point was the police concerned about the residents, one officer said this people come here and have a good time and that’s a good thing, they come here year after year.
The police is dismissing a resident who made a noise complaint to them "ON SITE" to protect the baseball teams from out of town, who are disturbing an entire neighborhood and are in Parks and Traffic violation 5 to 6 days a week.
Update 9.10.2023
Update September 1st 2023
Parks and Recreation Department, more Lip-service, now for 3 years.
Martin, Tesha (Parks) |
Thank you for message regarding matters at Hinton Park.
The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (“Parks”), Council Member Moya’s office,
The New York Police Department (“NYPD”), and local residents, have met twice to discuss the ongoing issues
within Hinton Park. Parks Enforcement Patrol (“PEP”) is working very close with NYPD to address the matter
to educate patrons in parks and enforce applicable rules and regulations.
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to write and let us know of this situation. Your concern for NYC Parks
is appreciated.
Tesha Kuti
Correspondence Liaison
T (212) 360-2778
Update August 27th, 2023
Blasting the music
Updated 8.17.2023
Letter to the Commissioner at the Parks and Recreation Department Sue Donoghue, sent 8.14.2023
Subject: Urgent Concerns Regarding Increasing Disturbances and Ongoing Violations at Hinton Park, Corona, NY.
Dear Department of Parks & Recreation,
I am writing to highlight the pressing issue that concerned residents near Hinton Park in Corona, NY, are confronted with. The unceasing disturbances caused by sports teams and their fans have greatly disrupted our neighborhood's peace, necessitating immediate action and legal intervention.
Despite our notifications to Councilmember Moya, the Parks Department, and the Police Department, the situation remains unchanged, putting our community's rights and well-being in jeopardy. This persistent neglect has had severe repercussions, with our coop property values plummeting to half of their market price.
The overarching concerns we face encompass several critical aspects:
1. Unabated Nuisance and Disruptions: The continuous disturbances, including excessive noise and unruly conduct, persist, leaving us deprived of the tranquility we deserve.
2. Property Value Devaluation: The prolonged disruptions have eroded our property values, undercutting our investments and the overall stability of our community.
3. Health and Security: The relentless disruptions take a toll on our mental and physical well-being, affecting our sleep patterns and exposing us to unnecessary stress.
4. Constitutional Rights and Zoning: Our rights to privacy and peaceful enjoyment of our properties are under threat, and the disregard for zoning regulations compounds the issue.
We implore immediate attention by Councilmember Moya to this matter, emphasizing the urgent need for collaborative efforts to revisit regulations, enhance enforcement, and foster open discussions with stakeholders. Our shared goal is to reinstate the quality of life that our community rightly deserves.
Wolfgang Busch
The purpose of this blog is to unveiling the Struggles of Hinton Park Residents: Baseball Teams vs. Local Soccer Teams vs. Volleyball Teams
My aim is to document and raise awareness about the ongoing challenges faced by the residents living around Hinton Park in Corona, Queens, through pictures and videos. This community has been subjected to abuse by invading baseball teams, leading to the displacement of local soccer teams. Additionally, we will shed light on the prevalent Traffic & Parks violations and highlight the apparent failure of the Police and Parks department in protecting the rights and well-being of the residents. Join me as we delve into the frustrations of the community and strive to bring attention to these pressing issues.
Below is a good example when community gets LIP-SERVICE from a politician resulting in our coop property falling below half of market value. Did Moya come to Dorie Miller about how we feel about his Soccer Stadium??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Corona has become the dumping ground for Politicians and the Billionaires pushing out the Black families for more than one decade. Donating 5 Turkeys to Dorie Miller for Thanks-Giving feels like an insult when looking at the big picture after putting two Homeless shelters across the street from Dorie Miller.
Moya made a statement complaining that Crime is up NOOOOOOOO, what a surprise. Moya is the one inviting two homeless shelters and the Baseball Teams running down the entire neighborhood and Crime is up now? Who are Moya's advisors????????
- The Escalation of Abuse by Baseball Teams: Since councilmember Moya first addressed the issue in 2020, the abuse inflicted by baseball teams has rapidly increased shamelessly. We will explore the negative impacts this invasion has had on the community, such as heightened noise levels, drinking alcohol, urinating in front of the Louis Armstrong School entrance to the point where the school used incense to cover up the smell, fans blocking the sidewalks, drinking and blasting music, lowering the quality of life, Black families are moving out in droves, lowering coop property to half of market value, what it means legally and more.
My aim is to shed light on the distress experienced by residents in particular the students and the children in the Playground across the street due to this relentless intrusion and abuse.
Displacement of Local Soccer Teams: Corona, Queens, has a thriving soccer culture, but unfortunately, the local soccer players have been forced out due to the encroachment of baseball teams and outdated Park Department policies. They come by foot and bikes.
Persistent Traffic & Parks Violations: The residents of Hinton Park are already facing multiple traffic congestions from the nearby Highways, Citifield and Tennis Stadium taking away our parking spots and in addition we are plagued by numerous Traffic, Parks and Ice Cream Trucks violations, two Homeless shelters and the ongoing damages to our cars are adding to our frustrations. I am investigating the persistent issues of traffic congestion, parking violations, and the amplified music that disrupts the peace of the neighborhood. This blog will aim to shed light on the impact of these violations on the safety, quality of life, and the lowering of our property values of the community.
The Failure of the Police & Parks Department: Despite promises made by councilmember Moya's office in 2020, 2022, and 2023, there has been a noticeable lack of improvement from the Parks and Police department in addressing the concerns of the residents. We will analyze the reasons behind their failure to protect the community and explore the consequences of their inaction. Additionally, we will discuss the frustration caused by the ineffective handling of 311 noise complaints and the misuse of taxpayers' money.
Seeking Accountability and Solutions: Our blog not only aims to highlight the ongoing issues but also seeks to hold the responsible parties accountable. We will explore avenues for community involvement, including collaborating with local organizations and engaging community leaders and activists who are actively working towards a resolution. By proposing potential solutions and advocating for change, we hope to inspire action and create a community that prioritizes the well-being and rights of its residents.
Through the ongoing blog updates, we will document the abuses endured by residents living around Hinton Park in Corona, Queens, caused by invading baseball teams and the subsequent displacement of local soccer teams. Additionally, we will shed light on the prevalent Traffic & Parks violations and the failure of the Police and Parks department to protect the rights and well-being of the community. By bringing attention to these issues and seeking accountability, we hope to foster positive change and create a community that is safe, inclusive, and respects the needs and voices of its residents.
8.2.2023 update
these 311 calls have absolutely no effect.
Baseball Team blasting music so loud that I couldn't go back to sleep. Because of their alcohol consumption and public urination, the urine smell the next day was so bad across the street on the School's entrance, that I crossed the street, it's disgusting.
The tent is back, people blocking the sidewalk, drinking alcohol and blasting music. One shareholder reported that she was harassed by them when walking her dog.
Blog Update 4.8.2023
and this is what the residents, many are children and seniors, get in return ?
pictures taken on 9.25.2022 about 4pm.
they put up those covers on a regular basis and they attach them to the Park's fence and the car, blocking the sidewalk.
car parked on the sidewalk across the park, in front of the Louis Armstrong school and cars are double parked on the entire 113th street.
those empty beer bottles tell the whole Hinton Park story and how ghetto the neighborhood has become over the past 4 years.
On 9.17.22 at 7:44pm, 311 was called to make a complaint, the noise was recorded at 9pm.
Dear Mr. Wolfgang Busch,
Thank you for your message regarding matters at Hinton Park.
We understand your concern. We tried to contact you at the number (718) 623-2926 regarding the various matters on your blog, however, we were not successful getting in communication with you. Please call 311 at the time that violations are observed so that a Parks Enforcement Patrol Officer can be dispatched, to reported issues in real time.
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to write and let us know of this situation. Your concern for NYC Parks is appreciated.
Tesha Kuti
Correspondence Liaison
T (212) 360-2778
NYC Parks
Arsenal North
Hello Ms. Tesha Kuti,
thank you kindly for your reply, it is much appreciated to actually get a response from a real person.
It is my understanding that there was a prior meeting with Councilmember Moya's office, the Baseball Teams and the Police Department addressing the parks and traffic violations. Since that meeting took place, the violations by the sports teams got worse at Hinton Park in 2022, affecting our quality of life.
Your suggestion to call 311.
Unfortunately this is not the answer to resolve this matter. It only puts a band aid on the pain the residents are feeling from the abuse. Calling 311 has proven to be not effective and the Parks Department has proven not to be effective in the enforcement of its own rules.
The Sports Teams booked by the Parks Department are ignorant and are behaving irresponsible. Their fan base has outgrown Hinton Park to a point, where they should be booked at another park where they can make unlimited noise and drink beer all night long. It would make the hundreds of Hinton Park residents and sports teams happy and the problem is solved. How difficult can that be, it’s a win win????
Ms. Kuti, here is my understanding of what the message is you are sending on behalf of the Parks Department and what it means in the real world.
You are asking the hundreds of residents affected by the violations to wait with the 311 call until all those violations by the sports teams are in progress and are already taking place? At that time, the violations are already affecting our quality of life, because YOUR department fails to monitor the Park and you are failing to protect the quality of life of the residents.
While the violations are in full swing, you are asking residents to make the 311 call and then wait until MAYBE a Parks Enforcement Patrol Officer or a Police car shows up one or two hours later, if they show up at all??? By that time the damage is already done and where does it leave the residents?
Basically your message reveals that the Parks Department doesn't monitor what is going on at Hinton Park, which translates to me, that the Parks Department is in support of the violations by tolerating that it is ok to play ball and hang out at Hinton Park, double park on the entire 113th street so no Emergency vehicles can get through, blast the music and drink beer until 1AM in the morning and urinating in front of the playground and school is ok.
Are you suggesting that, if the residents have finally had enough of the noise and all the violations they are experiencing at that time and have taken enough abuse from the violations, to then call 311? Are you testing the residents how much abuse they can take before they have to complain about it? Is this outreach to you not enough to take action to fix this problem?
I appreciate your concern, but unfortunately your suggestion has already proven to fail. Those sports teams have started an all new downtrend at Hinton Park and you can also see on the blog how it attracts more crazies, such as setting up a tent, Go-Karts racing in the park, people passing out, residents are harassed and we are experiencing more crime by people damaging our cars, such as broken mirrors and many flat tires. (I had three flat tires in the past year)
I believe the blog shows clearly what the violations are. Instead of moving the Baseball Teams who show clearly NO respect to the residents, even after they had the meeting with Moya's office, Police and Parks Department.
With all due respect, your department is giving the sports teams a free pass for violating the rules and you are suggesting that we the residents should call 311 every time they are in violation, because the Parks Department fails to monitor Hinton Park and its activities? It raises the question; what is the Parks Department’s policy, to protect the teams? or do you protect the residents? Again with all due respect, it looks like you are protecting the sports teams.
The Police are aware of the situation as you can see on the blog. At a Dorie Miller meeting with the Captain of the 115th Precinct, he told the residents that they don't have enough staff at the 115th Precinct to handle all the cases. So realistically your suggestion to call 311 and notify the Parks Department and in general calling 311 for the police to show up, has already proven not to be effective and the captain of the police department told us that the response time from a call made, can take hours sometimes.
Our local politicians tell us all the time how Corona is a dumping place for bad policies and this is one of them. Typically, the residents get the concerns and understanding by the officials, just like you have and I appreciate it, where we the people get the impression that people in charge just don't seem to care, because we don’t get the proper results.
What you are basically suggesting is that the Parks Department doesn't want to move the sports teams for their violations and you want the residents to call 311 as the violations are already taking place and are already affecting our quality of life.
I hope you can understand that this solution you are suggesting is not acceptable by the hundreds of residents affected by it and therefore Ms Kuti, I would like to schedule a meeting with the person in charge of Hinton Park, because I feel there are better options we can talk about in person to resolve this matter.
Thank you kindly for your time and cooperation
Wolfgang Busch
This r-2926eport was made possible by concerned residents living across Hinton Park to their best recollection of the events. To reach us please leave a comment.
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